Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Gradonni 1 - Round 1

The Gradonni Family - Farmers Road - Day 1-5
Kürt Gradonni - Adult - 25 years old - Fortune - Prestidigitator
Debby Gradonni - Adult - 18 years old - Family - Raise 20 puppies or kittens

Debby: I'm so happy to have found Kürt. I know he's older than I am, but I can't help it, he's the love of my life. Kürt inherited some money from his partents, and with that we bought this house and the market.
At the market we will be selling fresh fruits and vegetables as well as fresh fish and home-made dishes, cooked with fresh ingridients. But for now we won't be opening. We need to plant the vegetables first, and harvest them of course. Kürt is really busy with this all.
I wished I could help out more, but I have been feeling sick lately, and I couldn't stand on my feet for too long.
We soon found I why I wasn't feeling well, I'm pregnant! I can't hardly wait for the baby to be here! Since I don't feel so sick anymore, I mostly focus on fishing. It will soon be winter, and then the pond will be frozen, so we will need to fish as much as possible. Kürt in the mean time is focussing in growing his vegetables.
Soon after finding out I was pregnant, our family was expanded, and we welcomed Abby and Annie in our family. Yes, I got twins; two girls, and they are the sweetest things ever (but I gues every mother thinks that about her children).
After the girls were born, Kürt and I were able to spend more time together, well not much. We only have breakfast together, after that we each go our seperate way. He goes to the greenhouse, and I take care of the girls and after that I go to the pond.
Soon, very soon, it was time to celebrate the girls' first birthday. I can't believe they are toddlers allready! I want more children soon, but Kürt wants to get the business started soon, and maybe he's right, we'll see, let me just enjoy this ones for now!

1 comment:

  1. This looks like a fun lot to play. I love gardening in sims. Plus sims who garden have more fun than sims who don't.

    It will certainly be a way to keep the kids entertained when they get older.
